
How Are Our Beliefs And Values Formed From NLP Point Of View ?

Our lives are affected by our beliefs at all times. So it is very important to know how these beliefs are made. In this article, the formation of our beliefs and values are reviewed from the perspective of NLP.

How Do Beliefs Influence Our Lives?

Our beliefs are at the heart of our decisions.  In fact, the interpretation of everyday events and issues come under the influence of our beliefs. Beliefs make you comment on an issue confidently. When we do not believe in something, we talk about it with skepticism. But our beliefs, Even if they are wrong, they make us feel confident. Now we have to examine how these beliefs and values are formed.

How Are Beliefs And Values Shaped?

Everyone has a mental frameworks. Mental frameworks mean do’s and don’t, right and wrong and assumptions that have been proven to be true for the person and to be sure about them there’s no need to argue or prove.

In general, reading, hearing, and experiencing something can create mental frameworks. Under the 6 state, the information that enters the brain has a high impact and can create mental frameworks. In the following, we will examine these 6 states.

How Are Beliefs And Values Shaped

 1- Intense Emotions

When the brain is in a state that is going through some intense emotions such as intense suffering or pleasure, beliefs, values and mental framework may come into being. In this case, what happens to us can become a mental framework and shape our beliefs.

2- Dealing With Unique Phenomena

When the brain Faces a unique phenomenon the mental framework can be created. As a result, one of the factors that play a role in shaping our beliefs is encountering a unique phenomenon.

3- Continuity And Stability

Continuity and stability of an experience is another factor that shapes beliefs. When an event happens over and over, the brain accepts it as a frame of reference and thus our beliefs are formed.

4- Social Patterns

Usually in every society, people imitate what others do. For example, someone who doesn’t care about a red light, if several other people stop behind the red light, it is more possible that this person stops behind the red light.  So social patterns are another factor in the formation of beliefs.

5- Love

Extreme interest in a person makes his or her behavior and speech the center of our attention. In this case, the brain’s attention toward speech and behavior of this person is greatly increased and this can cause the actions of the person we are interested in become our mental framework. Of course, the beliefs that are created in this way, can disappear quickly. As a result, we must be careful that our beliefs are not influenced by such circumstances.

6- Retaliation

The truth is that others treat us the way we treat them. The same can be said about Shaping our mental frameworks and our beliefs. Suppose a person has grown up in a family in which he has been treated harshly and angrily whenever he made a mistake. This type of behavior will gradually become his mental framework. This means that this person has the right to be angry about the mistakes of others.

We hope you are careful about shaping your beliefs. Because our success and failure are closely related to them.

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