
The Four Pillars of NLP

The four NLP pillars explain the behavioral pattern of successful people. Anyone familiar with these four main pillars and apply them, depending on how much they are used, will be more successful in all aspects of life and will get the better. People who use these principles in their lives and careers will definitely attain success.

Earlier in the article “What is NLP”, we explained about the history and application of NLP science. Richard Bandler and John Grinder, after research on humans and successful models, introduced the four pillars as the foundation. If NLP is to be presented in 4 concepts, its best concepts include:

  • Outcome orientation
  • Rapport
  • Flexibility
  • Sensory acuity

Outcome orientation – The First Pillar of the Four

One of the great advantages of NLP is that instead of focusing on the past and problems, helps people focus on the future and having a goal and solution. The thing that everyone knows where they want to go and what they want to achieve is a big privilege. Many people are confused about this. One of the criteria for success is that you should be goal-oriented and know what you want.

If you do not know exactly what you want and where you want to go, others will take you in hand to reach their goals! In fact, if you do not set a goal yourself, others will set a goal for you and instead of you. If you do not know what you want, you can not move towards it.

Outcome orientation

In addition to being goal-oriented, NLP provides you with all the tools you need to reach your goal. NLP can even replace the negative thoughts and beliefs that prevent you from achieving your goals with positive ones. NLP helps you focus more on results and goals than problems, Plan consciously and unconsciously to achieve the goal.

With the help of NLP, you can find the right goals and act in the best way to advance them. Goals should be presented positively and in detail. General goals, vague and ambiguous, often lead to nowhere. John Grinder says: “Always have another dream behind each dream so that after you achieve your dream, another dream will motivate you. Otherwise you’d be stuck in a swamp of standstill.

Effective Rapport – The Second Pillar Of The Four

Successful people do well in stablishing communication, and this is one of the most important factors in their success. One of the best gifts that NLP gives us are the awareness of building effective relationships with ourselves and others. People can not be successful alone. Every person needs the help and support of others to achieve goals and success.

If a person can reach an appropriate level of communication that can easily earn the respect and trust of the other person and finally establish a rapport, guarantees his success. There are many techniques in NLP which without a rapport (effective communication), the proper and efficient result will not be obtained from them. By knowing the methods, our relationship with the people we deal with during the day and even strangers will improve. Communication in fact is a cycle that includes at least two people.

Effective communication means that the person trusts you and feels that you understand him or her then shows an interest to communicate. Communication is much broader than the words we use to speak. There is a purpose to any relationship, and you can make effective connections with flexibility and acuity.

Flexibility – The Third Pillar Of The Four

The path to achieving goals and success is not a direct path. Certainly there are people who have the ability to cross this path that they always look for better ways and do not get disappointed by seeing obstacles, but their goal is to overcome obstacles in the best way they can. Whoever shows more flexibility in any field will be more successful than others.

flexibility on black road sign

The more different ways you find and the more options you have, the better your chances of success. You have to be flexible to find different ways. One of the goals of NLP is to increase the ability to be flexible. If something wasn’t effective and did not work for you it would better to be flexible and change it. Someone with more behavioral flexibility can control the situation to his advantage.

Sensory Acuity – The Fourth Pillar Of The Four

Sensory acuity or awareness is the ability to perceive or experience through the 5 senses. Do you pay attention to colors and decor when you go someone’s house or enter a new shop? do you listen to the voice of people talking or music? Do you smell the food? Do you pay attention to flowers and blossoms? Each of us pay attention to different things to understand and experiences of world. By being acute, we pay attention to characteristics and things that may not be noticed by others. To be acute use your senses more than others to see, hear and feel what is hidden from others. This information helps us better to understand others and events and ultimately make the right decision.

By learning the four pillars which are introduced, they will give you the path you need to achieve what you want. These 4 pillars can be considered as one of the most important items in NLP.

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