
Introductory NLP training package (communication)


NLP or neuro-verbal programming (NLP) was first proposed in 1970 by two researchers named Richard Bandler and John Grinder in America. In their research, they realized that successful people have commonalities with each other in their behavior, communicating with others and even their way of thinking. After further research, they realized that these behaviors are also seen in the subconscious mind of normal people.

Learning NLP is like having a manual for the brain. If you learn NLP correctly, you can get to know the language of your brain. What you want and what level of life you want to achieve is one of the most important issues that NLP can help you with.

The most important feature of NLP
NLP can also be considered a skill. It means that you can discover your genius by learning this skill. This method claims that if you follow all the tips it mentions, you will achieve everything you want in life.

NLP training course
Learning NLP is divided into two parts. Introductory NLP (Communication) and advanced NLP (Practitioner). Introductory NLP includes the basic topics of NLP. Introductory NLP is one of the important prerequisites in learning NLP. This course includes the following topics:

  • Principles of communication
  • eye reading
  • Setting goals
  • Increase concentration
  • How to deal with criticism

And …

Frequently asked questions of the introductory NLP course

The duration of this course is 4.5 hours and its file size is 1.5 GB.

This course does not have any special prerequisites, but it is better to have seen the training package of Ganjineh Saadat.

Yes. For more information, contact the relevant expert at 09394771999.
Yes. One of the positive features of NLP is the numerous and effective practical techniques it has.

no By purchasing this course, you can always access the download links of this course by entering the user panel page

If you are looking for a change in your life and you care about your future, NLP has paved this opportunity for you. Join the group of 10,000 graduates of Farshid Pakzat research educational complex right now.

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