
What Is NLP? Everything You Need To Know About Neuro-linguistic Programming


Perhaps those who have heard of NLP don’t know what exactly it is. In fact answering that question is not really easy. In this article you are provided with the founders, the history of the term and the definition. Furthermore you will become familiar with the way it works and how learning that can benefit […]

How Are Our Beliefs And Values Formed From NLP Point Of View ?

Beliefs And Values

Our lives are affected by our beliefs at all times. So it is very important to know how these beliefs are made. In this article, the formation of our beliefs and values are reviewed from the perspective of NLP. How Do Beliefs Influence Our Lives? Our beliefs are at the heart of our decisions.  In […]

According To The NLP, What Is The Role Of Language In Our Thinking?

Role Of Language In Our Thinking

Our lives are influenced by our thoughts. Because our thoughts are related to our emotions. Our thoughts make our decisions. Our thoughts build our relationship with others. language is one of the key roles in shaping our thoughts. Therefore, understanding the role of language in thinking is very important. Because it can influence our thoughts […]

The Four Pillars of NLP

Four Pillars of NLP

The four NLP pillars explain the behavioral pattern of successful people. Anyone familiar with these four main pillars and apply them, depending on how much they are used, will be more successful in all aspects of life and will get the better. People who use these principles in their lives and careers will definitely attain […]

3 Ways Of Using Vague Language Or Milton Model To Induce Others

Induce Others

By using vague language, you can overcome the resistance of others to your wishes. Using vague language is one of the NLP techniques that helps you to persuade others and get their agreements. Vague language technique or Milton model, was founded by examining the treatment method of Dr. Milton Erickson by the founders of NLP […]

How To Use The NLP Milton Model

NLP Milton Model

Milton model or vague language in NLP helps you induce others by creating an interest to do a specific task by influencing the unconscious of the person. Because it’s not possible to persuade others to do a task that they’re not interested in. Therefore the Milton model or the vague language which is one of […]

Is there a way to avoid misunderstanding?

What is misunderstanding

Is there any way to avoid misunderstanding? When does it happen? Why sometimes do we not understand people’s meaning? In this article we will teach you different ways to avoid misunderstanding using the 3 perceptual positions. How to Avoid Misunderstanding? In order to avoid misunderstanding we must consider that how we interpret things and how […]

Physical Exercises Efficiency With NLP Techniques

Physical Exercises

What is the difference between physical exercise and physical activity? In many great athletes opinions the difference is their application. This difference follows the 80-20 rule which means 20% of exercise is physical and 80% of it is mental. Yet many people put their 100% of trainings and activities into physical exercises for improving their […]

How Information Is Processed Through NLP Techniques

Information Is Processed

One of the commonalities between humans and artificial intelligence is information processing. The quicker the speed process is the sooner the solution is found. Professor Georg Miller, a US based psychologist and cognitive scientist, researched into this subject and concluded how much information people can process at a given time. He concluded that each person […]

What Are Modalities And Submodalities?

Modalities And Submodalities

In NLP modalities and submodalities are refered to as our preception to the univers. In order to change our viewpoint of the universe we need to become familiar with the way we precive the world around us. Therefor knowing their concept and function is essential to undrestand our own viewpoint of the universe. Basad on […]